Frequently asked questions
Do you have a question? Is there something you would like to know?
Please read the frequently asked questions we get from the customers and our answers.
Are you using only natural ingredients?
All 2Benatural products are made exclusively of natural ingredients such as oat flakes, honey, sunflower butter, various seeds and fruit. We use natural pea protein for our protein product.
What additives do you add in your products?
The currently use only one additive in our products, but it is a NATURAL one. Edini aditiv, ki ga uporabljamo je ksantan gumi, ki je naravni polimer polisaharidov. Nastane pri fermentaciji sladkorja s pomočjo bakterij “Xanthomonas campestris”. Ker je sposoben vezati velike količine vode, se ga uporablja kot regulator viskoznosti, gostilo, gelirno sredsvo in stabilizator emulzij v prehrani. V naših izdelkih ima funkcijo ohranjanja trdnosti in stabilnosti izdelka.
Why are they different from the competition?
Our 2Benatural products are a wholefood meal, rich in fibre and, some of our products are also rich in protein. They contain no allergens, except the nuts. A majority of similar products contain a large proportion of saturated fats, but not our products. The proportion of saturated fats in 2Benatural products due to carefully selected raw materials (sunflower butter and oil) is only up to approx. 2.5 g per 100 g. They are sweetened using only honey. In nutrient composition, our products contain less sugar than the majority of similar products. They are manually produced and therefore soft and light in structure.
Are there any discounts on high-volume purchases?
We will strive to pamper our customers all the time with individual campaigns we advertise on our website and social networks.
How about delivery?
We deliver all products from our offer to the desired address.
Is it possible to collect the order at your headquarters?
All products from our offer can be collected at our address after prior payment, of course with no delivery costs that might arise for smaller orders.